Freeride formula (no imposed circuit o track)
A Startgate and a racetime will be assigned for each task. (30,60 or 90 minutes)
The riders should complete their performance by coming back to the Startgate within the assigned racetime.
The scoring system is based on the following values
Total ascent
Distance of the two farthest points reached.
The weight of the single values will be disclosed every day accordingly to the selected spot and weather conditions.
Danger Zones have been defined for every spot you will be racing. Crossing a danger zone line will result in scoring 0 (zero) points for the task.
Warning Zones have been defined as well. These zones should be carefully avoided
A NO KITE AREA (NKA) will be defined in every spot so to let riders set up their equipment. No riding is allowed in in the NKA, you can only exit the NKA when your kite is in the air.
Carring a working ARTVA or DVA probe and showel is mandatory to compete in the race
radio are recommended Communications
Make sure you have joined/been invited the «Rider – formula GPS 2023» Whatsapp group. Every information regarding the event will be published on this channel uRiders must attend the morning rider’s meeting
When on the racing spot, before getting ready for the first task, riders MUST sign the check-in form provided by the organization, availble in in the NKA
Before leaving the racing spot at the end of the day riders MUST sign the check-out form in the NKA or write on the whatsapp group Rankings & Discards
One discard will be applied every four valid tasks. (i.e. with 3 tasks , 0 discards ; with 7 tasks 1 discard; with 9 tasks 2 discards)
The discarded task will be the lowest scoring one for each rider.
Entering a Danger Zone Area will have the rider score 0 pts. For the current task
Coming back to Goal (Startgate) after the assigned racetime will produce a penalty up the 100% of the total score achieved . This penalty will be scaling linearly with the extra time used.
The maximum delay permitted will be the 33% of the assigned racetime (i.e. for a 30 min race : 10 minutes , for a 60 min race: 20 minutes , for a 90 min race : 30 minutes)
Not signing the check-in or check-out form will apply a percentage penalty on all the scores for the tasks of the day.
Start gate
The Startgate will be set each day and it will consist in a flag planted in the ground the center of a 30mt square. The square might not be visible. The organization will make sure to have a quad snowbike to carve tracks over the said square.
From the center of the Startgate the mandatory starting and finish flag sequences will take place.
To avoid collisions, a 5 minutes period will be granted to cross the Startgate after the Start signal. The GPS Formula software will take in account the real Start time and grant the correct task duration to each rider - NO NEED TO RUSH AT THE STARTGATE.
Local Rules
Flight , during the tasks is strictly forbidden. Walking is allowed, but each rider must cross the Start and Goal cylinders/lines with the kite in the air.
The use of GPS receiver with recording capabilities is mandatory. The device must be capable to output a trackfile in “gpx” format with a frequency of at least 1 point every 1 seconds .
Maximum number of gpx files to be submitted for each task: 1
Engaging the Start cylinder/line before the task beginning is forbidden
Stopping inside the Start cylinder/line during the task is fobidden
The GPS recorder must be activated (i.e.start logging) before the opening uof the Start cylinder/line
The GPS recorder must be turned off (i.e stop logging) after having crossed the Goal cylinder/line
Register on as user and register to the event.
Uploading process of the gpx file has to be completed each evening befor 17.30 (first day at 19.30)
You must be carrying the standard avalanche safety equipment : a working Artva with fully charged batteries (will be checked) , shovel and probe.
The use of VHF radio is recommended
If less then 30% of the registered riders do not cross the Goal cylinder/line the task will be cancelled. Cancellation can be invoked by the judges anytime for security reasons.
The rider's meeting every morning is mandatory
Respect of areas (No Kite Area) – (Danger Zones)
Riders must sign daily check-in and check-out. The race parameters can be changed depending on weather and the selected spot.
1. Andrea di Lisa 2. Dymitro Yasnolobov 3. David Filzi
1. Virag Szenasi 2. Christelle Divry 3. Cristina Corsi
1. Simone Borgi 2. Andrea Bersini 3. Jindrich Houstek
1. Francesca Mocci 2. Silvia Semprini 3. Chanti Van Boxtel
IKA Skowkite World Cup 2023 - Alto Sangro / Snowkite Ski